Why must we add semolina to our diet?

Are you aware of the fact that semolina is used in preparing foods like pastas, bread, desserts and porridge etc?

From durum wheat coarse flour is made and this is semolina. It is worthy to mention that when durum wheat is milled then its nourishing parts are ground into semolina. Milled semolina is pale yellowish in colour. Various nutrients that are present in semolina are protein, dietary fibre, B vitamins, minerals like iron, magnesium etc.

Reasons to include semolina in our diet are

Provides sustained energy:

When we eat semolina, then we have energy throughout the day. Reason is that the complex carbs present in semolina would be digested slowly and would provide energy throughout the day. We could eat semolina for breakfast.

Good for weight control:

It must be taken into account that when we eat semolina containing high proteins then we would feel full for a longer duration.  By this, we would avoid over eating. This would help us to have good weight control.

Digestive health gets better:

It must be noted that consuming semolina would help in good bowel movements. This would help us in good digestion and avoid constipation etc.

Boosts heart health:

Bring low in cholesterol and saturated fats, and having magnesium and selenium, our heart health would get boosted. Blood pressure would get regulated and oxidative damage to heart cells would be prevented.

Lowers inflammation:

It is important to mention that consuming semolina would neutralise the free radicals in us. By this, inflammation would get lowered. We would not get affected by chronic health issues.

Boosts bone health:

Just similar to heart health, bone health is also very essential for us. The presence of minerals like magnesium, calcium etc in semolina would strengthen our bones. Bone related issues like osteoporosis can be avoided.

Immune function gets boosted:

Immune function would get enhanced by consuming semolina having zinc, folate and selenium etc. Wound healing would be promoted by zinc. Seleniuium would act as an antioxidant and healthy blood cell formation would be supported by folate.

Good for brain health:

Semolina has got vitamin B such as folate and thiamine and these help in boosting our brain health. Our cognitive health would get boosted.

Regulates blood sugar levels:

When we consume semolina, then we would not get a spike in our blood sugar levels. This would be due to the presence of slow digesting carbohydrates. Those who are diabetic can consume semolina.

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