Everybody must know about these side effects of overusing aspirin and tips to follow to avoid its overuse!!

Many of us would consume a pain reliever named aspirin frequently. Aspirin also does superbly in reducing fever and as an anti-inflammatory medicine etc is a well known fact.

How many know that frequent consumption of aspirin could cause serious health issues in us?

It must be noted that aspirin belongs to the group of NSAIDS or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. By consuming this medicine often there are chances of us getting issues like GI bleeding, kidney damage etc. In addition, we can also get a condition termed as salicylate toxicity and this could be a serious issue if it is not treated.

Various side effects of consuming aspirin frequently are

Stomach pain:

The stomach lining can get irritated when we consume aspirin often. This could lead to issues like gastritis, ulcers, GI bleeding etc in u that could be present as dark coloured stools or vomit blood etc also.


This ear issue could be due to many reasons and frequent intake of aspirin could be one reason. Here, those with tinnitus would experience buzzing or hissing kinds of sounds.

Dizziness and confusion:

Our nervous system would get affected by consumption of aspirin frequently. This would lead to dizziness, headaches, mental fog, confusion etc.

Respiratory issues:

Especially in those who have asthma issues, frequent intake of aspirin can lead to respiratory distress.

Unusual bleeding:

It must be noted that aspirin could thin the blood or blood thinner and excess intake of aspirin would cause nose bleeding and prolonged bleeding from small cuts etc.

Swelling in hands and legs:

By consuming aspirin often, we could get kidney damage. Here, swelling or fluid retention would be present in our hands and legs etc.

Weakness and fatigue:

We could feel fatigued or weak by consuming aspirin frequently. The reason is we could get anaemia due to the internal bleeding caused by excess intake of aspiririn.

Ways to overcome aspirin overuse or dependency:

It is important to avoid consuming aspirin for chronic pain etc by yourself. Instead consult a doctor and then take aspirin. Please consume alternatives like acetaminophen or paracetamol for minor pain etc. To reduce stomach irritation etc, aspirin must be taken along with food or an enteric coated tablet etc.

Aspirin impact on kidneys could be minimised by drinking lots of water after consuming this medicine. Never take aspirin along with alcohol or with other NSAID or supplements like fish oil etc as the blood would get thinned more. It is good to rely on a healthy diet, exercise and stress management methods etc instead of taking aspirin for heart health. It is necessary to do periodic tests if you take aspirin regularly.

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