Be careful!! Persons with these health issues must avoid eating beetroot!!

It is really surprising if we come to know that there are some vegetables that would be superb for our health but should not be consumed if we have certain health issues in us. Beetroot is an example of one such vegetable. Strange, but it is true!!

By consuming beetroot we could get a plethora of health benefits like increased stamina, prevents heart disease and strokes, lowers blood pressure, boosts immunity, improved skin health plus others like fights inflammation, improved digestive health, supports brain health etc. This can be because of the fact that beetroot has got many important ingredients like fibres, folate or vitamin B9, vitamin C, minerals like manganese, potassium, iron plus other plant compounds like betanin, inorganic nitrates and vulgaxanthin etc in them.

Bitter fact is that not all of us can consume beetroot. Those persons who must not consume beetroot are

Persons with kidney stones:

It is known that beetroot is a superb source for folate and manganese etc but it also has got oxalates in them in high amounts. Therefore, when a person with kidney stones eats beetroot then it might worsen the condition also. So, please be careful.

Persons with low BP:

The nitrates present in beetroot would lower the blood pressure in us. Point is that nitrate would increase the production of nitric oxide in us. Those who have got low blood pressure must not eat beetroot as it could aggravate their issue.

Persons with diabetes:

Beetroot is rich in fibres and has got low GI also. Those who are diabetic must refrain from eating beetroot as the sugars present in this vegetable would increase the blood sugar levels. So, please take care.

Persons with high iron:

Those who are iron deficient must eat beetroot without fail as it would improve their iron levels. Likewise those who have high iron content in them must avoid eating beetroot. It is believed that persons with conditions like haemochromatosis must not eat beetroot.

Persons with IBS or other GI disorders:

Truth is that when beetroot is consumed in excess amounts then it can lead to bloating or gas etc. Persons with IBS or irritable bowel syndrome or other gastrointestinal disorders must not eat beetroot as it could aggravate their issues.

Persons with allergieses:

There are chances that eating beetroot could result in allergies including itching, rashes etc in some persons. Hence, these persons must avoid consuming this vegetable. Please be careful.

When to eat less beetroot?

Excessive intake of beetroot can lead to reddish or pinkish coloured urine. Intake of beetroot is not well tolerated by us and is usually shown by signs like diarrhoea, stomach pain and nausea etc.

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